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Periodic Table

Lesson 1 of 5 • 13 upvotes • 5:45mins


Mini Aggarwal

We have covered some topics in previous lesson. Now we will discuss some important terms along with theit trends. Effective nuclear charge is the net pisitive charge experioeced by an electron. It increases along the period and down the group p, it decreases. Atomic radius is the distance between nucleus and outermost shell. Along the period, it decreases and down the group, it increases. The amount of energy which is needed in order to remove elextron from outermost valence shell is known as an ionization energy which increases along the period and decreases down the group. Electron affinity is the amount of energy released when an atm accepts electron and its trend is same as the ionization energy. Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract tle pair of electrons that are shares towards itself. Its trend is also same to the ionization energy trend.

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